Café Stigter
Papadum, lamb curry and chaat, are just some examples of the dishes on the special Indian menu Café Stigter will provide during World Cinema Amsterdam. Throughout the festival the café offers tasty and quick daily menus, completely in style of the Soul of India programme. Reservations are not obligatory.
Café Stigter, Ceintuurbaan 342, 020-6711444.CousCousClub
During World Cinema Amsterdam you can enjoy CousCousClub’s special “CousCous Bombay” for the special festival price of € 10,-. If you just can’t get enough of India and its artistic highlights, come and visit their special exhibition, created especially for World Cinema Amsterdam.
CousCousClub, Ceintuurbaan 346, 020-6733539.
Of course Chai tea can not be missed at our festival. Besides all different kinds of tea from all over the world, the Teabar sells original David Rio Chai and they will be Rialto's chai tea supplier. It is available in three different flaours.
Teabar, Haarlemmerdijk 71