Onir left Bhutan for Kolkata in 1986. While studying comparative literature, he also did film studies at Chitrabani, and cheerfully plunged into studying German, Russian, Bengali and Tamil. Following his documentary Glimpses of a College Street in 1991, he got an editing scholarship at SFB/TTC Berlin. After producing and directing the documentary Fallen Hero, Onir directed and co-produced his first feature My Brother Nikhil in 2005, and his second feature Bas Ek Pal in 2006. In 2008, Sanjay Suri and Onir produced Onir’s third feature Sorry Bhai!, distributed by Mumbai Mantra. I Am is his fourth feature. Onir’s films are driven by his empathy for victims of social injustice.
2010 I Am
2008 Sorry Bhai!
2006 Bas Ek Pal
2005 My brother…Nikhil
1992 Fallen Hero
1991 Tiger’s Nest
Onir is present at World Cinema Amsterdam 2011.