Tanja Fraai & Mike Ho-Sam-Sooi | Curaçao, Netherlands| 2013 | 41' |Dutch, Papiamentu | English subtitles
Through his rich use of colour and vibrant brushstrokes painter/poet José Maria Capricorne (1932) has exerted a profound influence on the perception of Curacao, even for the Curacaoans themselves. To Capricorne, art is an enrichment of life for everyone; art liberates us. With this in mind, he co-established the Academia di Arte in the seventies, which by now has been forced to close its doors.
Directors Tanja Fraai and Mike Ho-Sam-Sooi have been fascinated by Capricorne's mesmerizing colour palette for years. Their film about his life and inspirations pays homage to the man who contributed so much to Curacaon art and is at the same time a strong argument for a sound and accessible arts education.
The director Tanja Fraai and the artist José Maria Capricorne (1932) will be present for a Q&A after the screening.