Tijdens World Cinema Amsterdam ontmoet je inspirerende makers van over de hele wereld en zie je hun indrukwekkende films. Veel van hen zijn aanwezig op het festival voor Q&A’s na afloop van hun films.
Opening & slot
Op vrijdag 14 augustus gaat alweer de zesde editie van World Cinema Amsterdam van start. Op het programma staat ditmaal IXCANUL, een indrukwekkend drama van de Guatemalteekse regisseur Jayro Bustamante. Het is een film die in de internationale filmpers tot lyrische uitspraken leidde - “hypnotiserend mooi”, zo schreef Variety.
Tien dagen later staat een niet minder indrukwekkende film op het programma waarmee het festival wordt afgesloten: DHEEPAN van Jacques Audiard, winnaar van de prestigieuze Gouden Palm bij het afgelopen editie van Cannes filmfestival.
De rest van de competitietitels zijn: THE BODA BODA THIEVES van het Oegandese filmcollectief Yes! That’s Us, CABALLOS van de Cubaanse regisseur Fabián Suárez (wereldpremière), MUSTANG van Deniz Gamze Ergüven, uit Zuid-Afrika NECKTIE YOUTH van de jonge filmmaker Sibs Shongwe-La Mer, Kore-Eda Hirokazu’s nieuwste film OUR LITTLE SISTER, de Braziliaanse QUE HORAS ELA VOLTA? van Anna Muylaert en REFUGIADO van de Argentijnse maker Diego Lerman.
Op het spel staan de World Cinema Amsterdam Jury Award én de World Cinema Amsterdam Audience Award, oftewel de Publieksprijs. Via stemkaartjes kunnen de bezoekers hun voorkeur uitspreken.
En let op: iedereen die een stem uitbrengt en zijn/haar mailadres achterlaat op het stembriefje, maakt kans op een reischeque van Shoestring ter waarde van € 1000,-.
De winnaar van de juryprijs wordt op zaterdag 22 augustus bekendgemaakt, van de publieksprijs op maandag 24 augustus.
Jury Members
How does the interaction between images (on film) and our brains work? Does what we see exist in reality, or only in our heads? Such questions concerning film and philosophy, in conjunction with neuroscience, make up the field of research of Patricia Pisters (1965), professor of Media and Film Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Between 2010 and 2013, she was Chair of the Department of Media Studies. Since 2015, she has served as a director of ASCA (Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis), one of the research schools of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. She is also affiliated with various (inter)national institutions for Cultural and Media Studies. Pisters has published several books, e.g. on Alfred Hitchcock, Gilles Deleuze and Madonna. She is currently working on a book about Dutch filmmaker Louis van Gasteren.
(Photo: Eduard Lampe)
Carlos M. Quintela is no stranger to the Festival: in 2013, he was invited to present his debut film LA PISCINA to the festival audience. And with great success – his film was awarded that year's World Cinema Amsterdam Jury Award. Quintela (1984, Havana, Cuba) studied Mass Communication at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, and then specialized in screenwriting at Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión in San Antonio de los Baños. He made several short films. His first feature, LA PISCINA, not only won an award in Amsterdam, but also received awards at the film festivals in Havana, Marrakesh and Miami. His second feature, LA OBRA DEL SIGLO, won a Tiger Award at this year's International Film Festival Rotterdam. It will be screened during World Cinema Amsterdam, as will his short BUEY.
(Photo: Jens Lennartsson)
Artist, curator, film and theatre director, writer and lecturer Felix de Rooy (1952, Willemstad, Curaçao) works in the Netherlands, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles. From 1969 to 1973, he attended the Academy for the Arts in The Hague, followed seven years later by a Masters'Degree in film and directing in New York. For many decades, he has been teaching classes and workshops in the field of visual arts, theatre and film at the Art Academy of Curaçao and the Media Academy in Amsterdam, among others. In 1976, he initiated the Illushion Kosmiko (Cosmic Illusion) collective in Curaçao. In that same year director, writer and actor Norman de Palm joined the collective. They have been collaborating ever since, resulting in numerous exhibitions, theatre productions and films.
(Photo: Sinaya Wolfert)