World Cinema Amsterdam | Internationaal filmfestival | 18 – 27 Augustus 2016

Open Air

World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air - vier zwoele zomeravonden, vier films
Wat is er plezieriger dan op een zwoele zomeravond buiten genieten van een mooie film? De afgelopen negen jaar kon dat op het Marie Heinekenplein, dat telkens in augustus vier avonden lang werd omgetoverd tot een heuse openluchtbioscoop. En ook dit jaar kun je er terecht. Van woensdag 15 t/m zaterdag 18 augustus is het weer tijd voor World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air – vier avonden, vier nieuwe films.
Op het plein staan stoelen voor 600 mensen, maar daarmee is het plein nog niet vol. Neem je eigen krukje, campingstoeltje, deken of kussen mee. Er is altijd wel een plekje. Je kunt al vroeg komen, want ook vóór de film is er al van alles op het plein te beleven, met de dj's Cinema Royale, Ishtar, Paulo Cosac, en Glaucio, en dat onder het genot van een hapje en een drankje. Zodra de zon is ondergegaan, rond 21.30 uur, begint de film. Let op: de toegang is gratis.
Op 15 augustus wordt World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air geopend met het fascinerende, op ware feiten gebaseerd drama XINGU van de Braziliaanse regisseur Cao Hamburger. Donderdag staat het in Berlijn bekroonde Marokkaanse drama DEATH FOR SALE van Faouzi Bensaïdi op het programma. Vrijdag vervolgt Open Air met een tragikomedie, de Braziliaanse kaskraker O PALHAÇO (THE CLOWN). Op zaterdag 18 augustus wordt World Cinema Open Air afgesloten met het ontroerende  MÍA van de Argentijnse regisseur Javier Van de Couter. Alle vier de films zijn fonkelnieuw!
Ook deze films dingen mee naar de World Cinema Amsterdam Audience Award.
What could possibly beat spending a sultry summer night outdoors watching a good film? For the past nine years, this was possible at Marie Heinekenplein that was transformed into an open-air cinema for four nights in August. The tradition continues. From Wednesday 15 to Saturday 18 August World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air is on again – four nights, four new films.

Seating will be provided for more than 600 people, but there's room for more on the square. Bring your own seat, deck chair, blanket, pillow, whatever you have, and find a nice spot. If you wish, you can come early; a lot will be happening even before the actual screening, with DJs Cinema Royale, Ishtar, Paulo Cosac, and Glaucio and plenty of food and drinks. The screenings will start at sunset, around 9.30 PM. And don't forget: admission is free.

World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air @ Vondelpark Openluchttheater
As in previous years, World Cinema Amsterdam Open Air will take place at Marie Heinekenplein, from 15 to 18 August. Should you be unable to go on these days, you can now opt for the open-air screenings at Vondelpark Openluchttheater, where two films from the Open Air programme will be shown during the first festival weekend: on Friday 10 August the touching Argentinian story Mía, and the next night the Brazilian tragicomedy O palhaço (The Clown). As at Marie Heinekenplein admission is free.

The Open Air-programme

Ma_1 FRI 10 AUG | 21.45
Javier Van de Couter | Argentina | 2011 | 105' | Spanish spoken | English subtitles

A passionate plea for tolerance and understanding. Transsexual Ale befriends the daughter of a woman who committed suicide. Meanwhile she is threatened to be evicted from her illegally built home.
Location: Vondelpark Openluchttheater

O_Palhao_1 SAT 11 AUG | 21.45
O palhaço (The Clown)
Selton Mello | Brazil | 2011 | 88' | Portuguese spoken | English subtitles
Film hit in Brazil. Benjamin, played by director Mello himself, is a circus clown. But is this really so wonderful? Benjamin decides to follow a different path and begins his search for the ideal woman. Finding her turns out to be quite a challenge...
Location: Vondelpark Openluchttheater

Xingu_2_by_Beatriz_Lefvre WED 15 AUG | 21.30
Cao Hamburger | Brazil | 2012 | 103' | Portuguese, Tipu, Caribian, Arawak spoken | English subtitles
Fact-based story. In the 1940s an expedition including the brothers Villas-Bôas sets off into Brazil’s interior to develop the area. Unwittingly, the expedition members transmit ‘white’ diseases like influenza to the indigenous population. Many die. What to do?
Location: Marie Heinekenplein


THU 16 AUG | 21.30
Death For Sale
Faouzi Bensaïdi | Marocco, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, France, Germany | 2011 | 117' | Arabic spoken | English subtitles
Tetouan, Morocco: pickpockets Malik, Allal and Soufiane hope to strike it rich with a jewellery heist. Each one has his own reasons to go along with the plan. For this at the Berlinale awarded film director Faouzi Bensaïdi found inspiration from the film noir. 
Location: Marie Heinekenplein

Director is present during the screening and available for Q&A.

O_Palhao_2 FRI 17 AUG | 21.30
O palhaço (The Clown)
Selton Mello | Brazil | 2011 | 88' | Portuguese spoken | English subtitles

Location: Marie Heinekenplein


SAT 18 AUG | 21.30
Javier Van de Couter | Argentina | 2011 | 105' | Spanish spoken | English subtitles
See above for film description.
Location: Marie Heinekenplein

Director is present during the screening and available for Q&A.

These films are also in the running for the World Cinema Amsterdam Audience Award.

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